Hot Iron Co Old Fashioned Service, Advanced Technology In 1977 a traveling salesman set foot in the hustle and bustle of downtown Los Angeles. Looking for customers to sell his sets of pots and pans, he made his way into the heart of the garment industry—a thriving, prosperous sector employing a workforce of thousands of females—a perfect audience, he thought, for his domestic products. A mechanical engineer by profession and salesman by nature, the Argentine native quickly tuned in and offered advice to apparel manufacturers on a vitally important yet often underfunded (and frequently sublet) final step of the production process—garment finishing. “High-pressure steam and a boiler to generate it! Finish your own product—and your neighbor’s as well!” In 1978 he set up a shop along with his wife in downtown Los Angeles and the rest is history. Four decades on, their eldest son (with the invaluable help and support of the founders!) leads the family business with the same values of quality, hard work, dedication to detail, integrity, and customer service that served the founders and their customers so well. We continue our mission to care for the customer BEFORE (consulting), DURING (customer-oriented, fair pricing), and AFTER (warranty and repair service) the SALE. The Hot Iron Co.—Family values, quality steam sales and service with good, old-fashioned service—dedicated to your success for forty years and counting! Our mission To use our background, training, and skill with industrial steam equipment to reduce ironing time bye 50% or more, thereby boosting our customer´s profits and enhancing consumer lifestyles. Our Vision To be global, premier steam sale consultants. Our Company Values - Quality - Commitment -Professionalism -Trust -Passion We are a family-owned company in business since 1978 offering the benefit of over FORTY YEARS of FRIENDLY and HELPFUL EXPERTISE and SERVICE NATIONWIDE by knowledgeable and experienced technicians. We have manufacturer's warranties available and offer guarantees of 1 year on parts and 3 months on labor. CONFUSED ABOUT WHICH ITEM TO PURCHASE? Contact us at [email protected] or 1(800)704-8030 M-F 9:00a-5:00p PST Customers and Industries We Work With:
Unused equipment returned after 7 days, but within 30 days, may be returned for a refund of the purchase price minus a 20% restocking charge. The equipment must be in original condition, in its original box (subject to inspection by The Hot Iron Co.).
In all cases, a return authorization number is required. Please contact us for this number and for shipping instructions, at 800- 704-8030 or [email protected].
The Hot Iron Co. does not accept returns after 30 days.